Marcus Fraaß

Data Scientist and Ph.D. Candidate in Economics based in Berlin.

Familiar with Python, R, SQL, Git, Bash, PyTorch and more.
Fluent in German and English, and basic knowledge of Spanish.
I love wrangling data and using statistics to solve problems,
and helping people become better at things.
Always looking for opportunities to collaborate.

Want to get in touch? Send me an email at mail (at)


Programming PyTorch for Deep Learning

Co-contributor to the GitHub repository of O'Reilly book Programming PyTorch for Deep Learning by Ian Pointer.

Keeping up with changes to the PyTorch API. Solving issues and helping people get familiar with PyTorch. Reviewing code.

Python Wrapper for RePEc API

Work in progress. Coming soon!

A Python based wrapper for the Research in Economics (RePEc) API.

Get easy access to the RePEc API via Python.

Built with Python and Poetry.

To be deployed on PyPI.

Python CLI Tool for RePEc database

Work in progress. Coming soon!

A Python based CLI tool to retrieve the whole RePEc database and store it locally in a relational database.

Make RePEc database more accessible for bibliometric research.

Built with Python, Click, SQLite and Poetry.

To be deployed on PyPI.


Practical Data Privacy

Katharine Jarmul

Translated into German.

Published June 2024: Data Privacy in der Praxis: Datenschutz und Sicherheit in Daten- und KI-Projekten. (dpunkt.verlag GmbH).

Natural Language Processing with Transformers

Lewis Tunstall, Leandro von Werra & Thomas Wolf

Translated into German.

Published February 2023: Natural Language Processing mit Transformern: Sprachanwendungen mit Hugging Face erstellen. (dpunkt.verlag GmbH).

Data Science on AWS

Chris Fregly & Antje Barth

Translated into German.

Published April 2022: Data Science mit AWS: End-to-End-Pipelines für Continuous Machine Learning implementieren. (dpunkt.verlag GmbH).

Practical Statistics for Data Scientists

Peter Bruce, Andrew Bruce & Peter Gedeck

2nd Edition. Translated into German.

Published April 2021: Praktische Statistik für Data Scientists: 50+ essenzielle Konzepte mit R und Python (dpunkt.verlag GmbH).

Moreover I translated the following books into German:

Work with me:

Want to get in touch or hire me for your project? Send me an email at mail (at)